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Goal of Learning
There are a variety of spiritual traditions that attempt to answer this question. However, the intention of this text is not to address spiritual traditions or religions, merely to state that the goal of learning must be directly linked to the purpose for being alive, or it makes no sense. In many traditions, the answer…
Determine Your Frame of Reference
Two ideas are competing for attention in the field of learning. One side is the idea of ultimate truth, content-based fact, and superior knowledge based on expertise or position. The second idea suggests that there is no ultimate truth or content-based facts. Instead, we are all creators of our truth. My frame of reference is…
The Importance of Timing
Timing is important. It’s a simple phrase, and we all realize it’s true. However, implementing and practically applying this concept can be challenging, especially for those trained to achieve results as quickly as possible. We constantly swim upstream as though that’s going to improve the circumstances. I know why salmon do it: to ensure they…
Instructional Design is a Service
As instructional designers, we do not necessarily think of ourselves as service professionals, but maybe we should. In the field of education overall, we encourage teachers to move away from seeing themselves as presenters of knowledge and toward being facilitators of learning. In the same way, we must move away from seeing ourselves as experts…
What is Instructional Design?
When I mention that I’m an instructional designer, I often receive quizzical looks as if I’ve just revealed I’m from a distant planet. Despite its roots dating back to the 1950s, the profession remains largely unfamiliar to the general public. Yet, the role and significance of instructional design are profound, and it’s time to shed…